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Afrodisias / Aydin

Afrodisias / Aydin
The city, which was founded in the 5th century BC, developed during the Roman Empire, became an important art center, especially sculpture, between the 1st century BC and the 5th century AD, and became famous for the temple of Aphrodite and the ceremonies held in the name of Aphrodite.

The temple built for the city's goddess Aphrodite is the oldest marble building in the city. The boundaries of the sanctuary (temenos) belonging to the temple were clear because of the right of asylum granted to this area. Inscriptions around the temple reveal that this privilege was first given by Julius Caesar and his successor, and later by the Roman Emperor Augustus.
Gaius Julius Zoilos, who is considered the founder of the temple, was honored with the title of Aphrodite priest during his lifetime.

Due to its location in the earthquake zone, the city of Aphrodisias has been severely affected by many earthquakes throughout its history. It is known that there were major earthquakes here, especially in the 4th and 7th centuries. The 4th century earthquake also changed the water flow channels in the area where Aphrodisias is located, making some parts of the city susceptible to flooding. Evidence of the evacuation system, which seems to have been built with urgency to solve the flooding problem, can still be seen today. After the earthquake in the 7th century, Aphrodisias never fully recovered and fell into disrepair. Over time, the ruins were partially covered by the Geyre village area.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a part of Geyre village was emptied again due to an earthquake, and the remains under the evacuated area were revealed. In the 1960s, Geyre moved to its present location and became a town, considering the possibility of an earthquake.
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