Izmir Mietwagen

Heraklia / Milas

Heraklia / Milas
The Ancient City of Herakleia or Latmos Herakleia is one of the city settlements of the Ancient Ionian region, established within the borders of Kapıkırı Village, 39 km from Milas district of Muğla province.
The site is originally a Carian settlement dating from the 5th century, it became a member of the Delos League by paying annual tribute. The ancient city was turned into a strong border fortification after Halicarnassus came under the rule of Halicarnassus in the 4th century and King Mausolos settled his soldiers in the city. Its location at that time was in the southeast corner of the Latmus sea (like Priene and Miletus) and was connected to the Aegean Sea. In the 4th century, sediments on the banks of the Menderes river closed this connection and formed Bafa Lake at the foot of the 1367-meter-high Latmos granite massif. It is one of the points where the Endymion legend passes. When Strabon defined the city at the eastern end of the Bafa lake, there is a small settlement called Herakleia at the ship anchorage in the Latmos bay, a little ahead, after crossing a small river, there is the tomb of Endymion in a cave. There is the Temple of Athena Latmia, which can be seen from afar because of its remains, and a well-preserved sanctuary associated with the Endymion myth among the rocks.
Carian type tombs where the residences are; rock tombs; There are stone burial chambers. One of the burial chambers is in the middle of the city; others are near the south entrance. The infrastructure is made of cut stone; the superstructure is of marble. It is thought that they resemble the Doric temple with an in antis plan from the outside. Dated to the Hellenistic Period
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