Izmir Mietwagen

Kleopatra / Gocek

Kleopatra  / Gocek
Cleopatra Bath Bay, located in Muğla Göcek, is one of the most preferred bays for yacht tours. There are historical ruins from the Lycian period in the region. Remains of historical baths can be found under the waters of the bay. The bay took its name from this bath, which is said to have been built by Cleaopatra.

The unique green nature, which is frequently seen in Göcek's bays, can also be found in Cleopatra Bath Bay. It is possible to take long walks among the green trees around. The bay, which is one of the important areas for sea tourism, welcomes thousands of local and foreign tourists every year. Access to Cleopatra Bath Bay is provided by sea, with tours departing from Göcek or Fethiye.
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