Izmir Mietwagen

Meryem Ana / Selcuk

Meryem Ana / Selcuk
Jewish woman who was the mother of Jesus of Nazareth. She is one of the important and holy persons in the New Testament and the Qur'an. She is also known as the Virgin Mary and the Virgin Mary. While Mary was pregnant with Jesus, she married Joseph. Jesus was known as the son of Joseph in the Jewish community to which he belonged. It is emphasized that many of the attributes of Mary, which are believed to be eternal virginity despite having children, are the beliefs transferred to Christianity from the mythological goddess models like Artemis or Isis who married and had children but did not lose their virginity.

The New Testament says little about Mary's family and early life. The 2nd-century Gospel of Jacob (apocrypha) author describes his parents as Jehoiakim and Anne (Hanne).
Mary was dedicated to the Temple of Solomon by her mother on the assumption that she would be a man before she was born. It is believed that Mary lived in present-day Israel and gave birth to Jesus without a father in Bethlehem.

According to the belief of some Christians, Ephesus and the House of Virgin Mary, which are the places where Mary spent her last years, are within the borders of Selçuk district today.
Apart from the fact that the subject of Mary is mentioned many times in the Qur'an, Mary is the only woman whose name is directly mentioned in the Qur'an. The name of the 19th sura is called Surah Maryam and Imran, who is referred to as the father of Mary, is the source of the name of another surah (Al-i Imran).
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